Terms and conditions of use

Welcome to our online booking site "panafrotravel.com" to book hotels, apartments, travel, car rentals and tickets for attractions and activities. The site is owned and operated by PANAFRO NETWORKS.

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions of use set forth below, including the policies and terms of service referenced herein.

Site access

Access to and use of the site is permitted only to those who are of legal age and capable of entering into a contractual agreement. If you are a minor, you may not access or use this site without the permission of a parent or legal guardian.

Booking services on the site

Our site allows users to book hotels, apartments, travel, car rentals, activity tickets and attraction tickets online. Users can book services directly with third-party vendors listed on the site or through our concierge service, which coordinates bookings.

Intellectual property

The Site is protected by intellectual property rights held by PANAFRO NETWORKS. All content, including images, text, logos, product or service names, designs and web pages are the property of PANAFRO NETWORKS or its licensors.

The unauthorized use, modification, reproduction or distribution of any content on this site is strictly prohibited.

User responsibility

Users are required to provide true, accurate and complete information when registering and booking on this site. Users are entirely responsible for their use of the site and agree to indemnify PANAFRO NETWORKS from any liability, loss or damage, direct or indirect, resulting from their use or inability to use this site.

Vendor liability

The services offered on the site are provided by third-party vendors, who are responsible for providing the services booked by users. PANAFRO NETWORKS is not responsible for the quality, safety or accuracy of information or services provided by third-party vendors. Users agree to indemnify and hold PANAFRO NETWORKS harmless from any liability resulting from the provision or use of the services offered on this site.

Cancellation and refund

Third-party vendors may have their own cancellation and refund policies which will be communicated to you prior to booking. Please read them carefully before booking a service. Any request for cancellation or refund must be made in accordance with the policy of the establishment or third-party vendor.

Modification of conditions of use

PANAFRO NETWORKS reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of use at any time. Users are advised to consult the general conditions of use regularly to take note of any changes. Continued use of the Site after publication of the changes constitutes acceptance of these conditions.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the use of the site shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us by email at contact@app.panafrotravel.com.

Last update: August 8, 2023.
